Monday, July 29, 2013

If there is one beverage that is appreciated all over the world, it would be coffee.  People across the globe are appreciative of this beverage.  It has become a morning ritual for many to start their day with a cup of joe, especially during the cold winter months where you need something strong and hot to jolt you up. 

Aside from the cold mornings, having a good cup in the office to accompany you as you do your work makes things more pleasant in the workplace. Somehow, the beverage gives you the energy to move and finish all the deliverables given to you on time as well as submit everything and beating the set deadline.  People also make use this beverage to be used as an excuse to get out of the office even for a few minutes if they need to get away from work and refresh their worked-out brains.

image credit: Treasure Your Being
This beverage is not just enjoyed by itself.  There are variations that a lot of people prefer over the regular cup.  It can be considered a dessert in itself because of the sweet toppings like whipped cream and chocolate syrup mixed in. But if you are the kind to enjoy just a regular cup and like it black, you can easily pair it with these desserts to make the experience more enjoyable.

·         Chocolate cake – This dessert can sound so simple and plain.  But if you are looking for something that is downright homey and brings back a lot of childhood memories, then this is the dessert that is for your.  The cake should be moist and soft and hidden in the middle would be a creamy layer of sweetened cream or even chocolate butter cream for that smooth mouth-feel.  The whole thing can be enveloped with rich and fudgy dark chocolate frosting and chocolate shavings for over the top goodness.  A cup of strong black coffee or something sweetened with simple syrup, then you are good to go.
·         Tiramisu – This may be an unusual pair because it already has coffee in it.  However, the creamy mascarpone cheese needs something strong to cut out its richness.  The ladyfingers can be dipped in coffee mixed in with any of the Torani syrups available in the market to make the taste more interesting   
·         New York Style Cheesecake – The best cheesecake is the baked kind because you can truly feel the richness of the cheese.  It is perfect to go with a cup of coffee. The great thing about this is that you can top it off with any fruit that you like.  Fresh strawberries mixed with strawberry syrup can be simple and easy topping you can do at home. You can even do a shortcut by buying those ready to serve baked cheesecakes and just make the topping at home.  Your guests would think that you labored over this for hours. 

The great thing about this is that there is a lot of options to choose from for your syrups.  You can even have your guests choose the one they want to be mixed into their drink.  These desserts and a great cup of coffee would be the perfect food to have for an afternoon catch-up with your friends.



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