Thursday, August 29, 2013

Coffee is one beverage that is loved by many people all over the world.  It has become a widely accepted drink.  People love to have it first thing in the morning to help wake up their senses and get ready for the day.  Some people drink it any other time to help keep up with the demands of the day.  The beauty of this beverage is that it can be enjoyed in many different ways and any time of the day.  Coffee-based concoctions have become famous which people love because of the additional flavor given by the Torani syrup mixed with it.

Figure conscious people often stay away from coffee blended drinks because of its high calorie content.  Even though it is in liquid form, a cup of coffee can pack a lot of calories, and as a popular dieter’s adage goes, a moment on your lips will stay forever on your hips. But the good news is that there are coffee drinks that can be enjoyed by those people who love to count their calorie intake.  It just takes a few pumps of their chosen Torani syrup to give it additional flavor. Yes, you can more flavorful drinks without having to drink too much coffee! Here are some more sauggestions on how to make coffee your drink even if you are conscious of your figure:

healthy coffee concoction with torani syrups
credits: MLive
You can go skinny with the dairy component.

Coffee drinks that have milk blended in it can be made into a skinny drink. Go for other milk alternatives like soy milk or almond milk to lessen the calories compared to regular full cream milk.  You can now enjoy Café Latte, Caffe Mocha and even Cappuccino but make sure to tell the barista to change the milk. Also, a lot of coffee drinks, especially those signature drinks in cafes, have whipped cream topped on them. You can skim a good number of calories by just telling your barista that you don’t want to have whipped cream on your drink.

Half the serving size.

Ordering the smaller tall cup over the largest size available will make a huge difference in the amount of calories that you get into your body.  If a largest sized (for example, the venti drink in Starbucks) blended drink has about 400 calories, you can half that by getting the smaller sized glass. If you are really hankering for that Frappuccino flavored with mint Torani syrup, then go ahead and order a small one. After all, we know that drinking a small cup is just as good as drinking the largest sized coffee if we’re just after the experience and a good coffee fix.

Opt if sugar-free flavorings.

This is a big help especially for those diabetic people who really would want to have a good cup of flavored coffee.  This will cater to their health requirement. For those who want to taste different flavors without packing on the sugar, there are sugar free Torani syrups options. 

You can start calorie counting even before you enter the shop. If all else fails, go for the plain and simple black coffee or Americano. 



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