Monday, September 9, 2013

Coffee is one beverage that is loved by many.  It can be considered as a universally accepted drink because most cultures accept this beverage.  Because of this, countries that have coffee as an agricultural product are pushing it to become a main player in the industry. Coffee beans are becoming in demand all over.  What is there not to love about coffee?  It is easy to prepare and can be flavored with any Torani syrups and other ingredients.

Asia is one of the continents that are known for its coffee.  Other parts of the world like Africa and South America may be more known for the crop, with Asian countries more known to be tea drinkers, but that doesn’t stop a lot of Asian countries from growing their own kind of coffee.  Here are some facts about coffee and Asia that you may not know:

asian coffee with torani syrups
Imege credit: 123rf
      ·         Indonesia is one of the countries known to produce some of the best coffee beans. 

The country’s hot and humid climate as well as the volcanic soil may be the reason for the complex flavors that their beans have.  Asian coffee is beginning to become a dominant force in the coffee industry of the world.  Most coffee shops now carry an Asian blend in their selection lineup.  Thus, it is a no-brainer that one of the colloquial names of coffee is “java,” as in the island of Java, an Indonesian island where coffee is grown. Another island in Indonesia popular for growing coffee is Sumatra.

·         Climate in most Asian countries is ideal for growing coffee.

Since a lot of Asian countries are located in the equatorial area, they have become an ideal place in growing coffee.  The hot and moist climates of the forests in Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines provide a perfect place for growing coffee plants.  The combination of the factors in climate and soil are said to be the contributing factors as to why Asia is one of the best places to grow coffee with beans that have a complex flavor.

·         The best Robusta beans are grown in Asia.

Yes, not only does Asia grow coffee, but the region is actually considered as the grower of one of the most popular kinds of coffee, Robusta. This kind of bean can be considered the Asian variety of beans. Vietnam is considered to be the number one exporter for Robusta beans and its flavor is known all over because people who love strong coffee love prefer this because of its bold flavor.  This is perfect when flavored with Torani syrups.

·         Civet Coffee is beginning to gain ground.

This coffee is beginning to be noticed by coffee connoisseurs because of its taste.  No need to add Torani syrups for this.  This is also grown in the Indonesian island of Sumatra. But take note, this kind of coffee can be quite pricey. In fact, Civet coffee is the most expensive coffee in the world.  Just don’t care to know the way the coffee beans are harvested is also being talked about.



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