Wednesday, June 5, 2013

If there is one thing my dentist will hate about me that is definitely my love for everything sweet. Chocolates, cakes, ice cream, gummy bears, desserts – name it and I’ll surely love it. Even when it comes to my coffee and tea, I still like it sweet, not really candy sweet, but just enough to please my sugar lovin’ tongue.

In my years of drinking coffee (and depending on it during those sleepless nights and countless overtimes), I have learned to experiment on different kinds of sweeteners and coffee syrups that works best for my coffee and tea. If you are a coffee lover like me, I’m sure you have also tried some of these sweeteners. But for the benefit of our friends who are new to drinking coffee, here is a list of sweeteners for your favorite beverage.

Natural Sugar

The refined sugar we were all accustomed about is made from sugar cane and has undergone different process to turn it to the white crystal like sugar we usually used. However, there are many issues that go with this kind of sugar as it said to be unhealthy and potentially dangerous. Going for the healthier alternative like raw sugar, however, reduces these health risks and can actually be good for you. Sugars like Demerara, Sucanat or Muscovado comes in rich aromatic flavor that can make your coffee sweeter and healthier.

Agave Nectar

If you go through the natural food section of your favorite supermarket, you will come across a bottle that contains this sweet concoction that is comparable, though not identical, to honey. Drinks, salad dressings, sauces and many desserts can be easily made with this natural sweetener. If you put it on your cup of coffee, you are sure to experience a rich distinct flavor that you will surely love.


With the natural healing properties of honey, working as anti inflammatory and anti bacterial substance for your body, it is considered to be the one of the healthiest kind of sweetener. It brings a distinct flavor that can suit well with iced coffee and tea. Mixed it with your low fat milk or cream or other flavored coffee syrup, and achieve a sweet taste that is far from your usual granulated sugar.

Sugar Free Liquid Sweetener


Sugar Free Liquid Sweetener is a premium sugar substitute ideal for low-calorie and diabetic lifestyles. It can be used instead of regular sweetener packets as it dissolves instantly in hot and even in chilled beverages. If you are looking for a way to sweeten your coffee without worrying about your sugar level, you can also try this alternative.

Do not get stuck on your usual spoonful of granulated sweetener. Remember that as long as your coffee is concerned, you can try anything you want and anything that is available. Start looking for these sweeteners and make your drinks sweet as you are.



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